Can Processed Foods Be Part of a Healthy Diet



Most foods are processed – changed, prepared or packaged – in some way before we eat them. They fall somewhere on a spectrum from minimally processed (like salad mix, 袋装干豆, roasted unsalted nuts or frozen fruits or vegetables) to what some nutrition experts refer to as highly or ultra-processed (like sugary beverages, 薯片或熏肠).

Some processed foods have ingredients added, such as sweeteners, oils, colors 和 preservatives. Some are fortified to add nutrients such as fiber, calcium or vitamin D. Some are simply prepped for convenience (washed or chopped) or packaged to last longer. 如巴氏消毒牛奶的过程, 罐装水果和蔬菜, vacuum packing meats help prevent spoilage 和 increase food safety. Even foods labeled “natural” or “organic” can be processed.

If you eat a lot of highly processed foods, 你可能会摄入过多的钠, 添加糖和不健康的脂肪. About 70 percent of the 钠 in the typical American diet comes from commercially processed 和 restaurant foods. Manufacturers use 钠 to preserve foods 和 modify flavor, it’s included in additives that affect the texture or color of foods. 

So what can you do if want to eat healthier?


  • 阅读食品标签. This is the best way to know exactly what’s in a processed food. 选择没有很多的产品 , 添加糖, 饱和脂肪. 学习在…中寻找什么 营养成分标签, 成分表 以及其他包装索赔.

  • 享受冷冻和罐装食品. Frozen 和 canned beans, fruits 和 vegetables are convenient 和 affordable options that can be just as nutritious as fresh produce. Look for varieties without salty sauces 和 sugary syrups. Compare the labels 和 choose items with the lowest amounts of 钠 和 添加糖.

  • 寻找心形标记. 美国心脏协会的 心部裂纹马克 will help you find packaged foods that can be part a healthy eating pattern. This red 和 white icon on the package means the food meets specific nutrition requirements for certification.

  • 做出明智的选择 订购了. Choose restaurants where food is cooked to order or there are designated healthier menu options. Ask how food is prepared, which items are made to order in-house vs. prepackaged, if you can make substitutions. Request sauces, dressings 和 condiments on the side so you can decide how much is added.

Choose more unprocessed 和 minimally processed foods.

  • 多在家做饭. You don’t have to be a master chef to get your cook on! 你可以找到很多 伟大的食谱 和 brush up on your cooking skills online. Preparing food at home gives you control over what’s added. It can save you money 和 be a great family bonding time.

  • 做一些简单的交换. 一些例子:制作你自己的 简单的醋 而不是买瓶装沙拉酱. Add fruit to plain oatmeal, cereal 和 yogurt instead of buying the sweetened or flavored kind. Slice up leftover roasted chicken or make a light tuna salad for s和wiches instead of using processed deli meat.

  • 零食更聪明. 想想松脆的无盐坚果和种子, 切好的蔬菜, 最好吃的水果, 简单的自制爆米花. 这些包 健康的零食 in small containers 和 they’re just as convenient as that bag of chips!











